Sunday, October 12, 2008

Wow, I have a Kid!

Wow, I have a kid! I have these revelations often. I am blessed to have 3 healthy kids and of course, a GREAT wife of 17 years. Every few months I will look at one of my kids and go WOW, that kid is mine. I can't have a kid. It is at that moment I think I am still that teenager back home in my little town in south Louisiana. Not the responsible adult I am supposed to be. It is a bizarre feeling when this hits. I don't know if this is common among parents or not? I remember dropping my daughter off at soccer and driving away thinking there is my kid! I just watched her make her way to the field, not knowing that her father was sitting there thinking how could it be. Some days it feels like I am stuck in high school. I am still that kid, waiting for Stu to come pick me up to go out on a Saturday night of drinking! Those days are long gone but it is sometimes fun to revisit those times in my mind.
C'est fini

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