Saturday, November 1, 2008

Kites and Escape

As a kid I loved flying kites. A lot of my memories are flying bat kites (pictured) with friends and relatives. My memories are of peaceful times flying kites in the fields behind the house amongst the young sugar cane plants. Or with my cousin Tommy at his house, our kites on multiple reels of string, so far they are look like a pinhead. Or times battling kites with friends along the Bayou Teche.
As I reflect, I wonder if back then I was consciously escaping my reality? Was I thinking that I wanted to get out the house? Or was I just out to have a little fun?
Regardless of my motives, the end result is that I enjoy digging up the memories of flying kites! Even today, it brings such peace to my mind. They are such vivid memories. I can clearly hear the noises of the kite along with the rustling of the cane leaves in the March Louisiana winds. It is simply great memories of childhood. I am glad my brain was able to keep such crisp and vivid pictures of these moments of my youth for me to enjoy today.
The kite pictured is a Gayla baby bat kite. Simple design. We called it a bat kite and I only just recently found its "official" name. The kite was plastic and by far the most common kite to find flying the skies of St. Martinville. I love the big eyes! The kite is still available today.
C'est finis.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Thanks for stopping by the other day! It was nice to see a new face so to speak. Loved your post about explaining riding a bike. Maybe flying kites are fantasy but sometimes that's a good coping tool.